Tag Archives | Story

Artistic Problems of Ending a TV Series Too Early: 3 Examples

A TV series has a potential advantage over a movie in that a series affords the chance to follow a story over an extended time.  Events are able to unfold into broad plots and themes.  Characters can be developed in depth. This is a potential but not an inevitable advantage. Problems happen when a series […]

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What If? The Story Idea as the First Step on the Path to Publishing

Hold a book in your hand.  Where did it come from?  The publisher, of course.  The publisher probably got it from a literary agent.  The agent represented an author.  The author had a story to tell.  But where did the story come from?  Stories start as a spark of an idea.  And a story idea […]

story idea
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5 Out-Genre Movies Exemplifying Story for Science Fantasy Fans

A fantasy and/or science fiction fan doesn’t have to be bound to watching movies only in the fantasy and science fiction realm.  Outside the genre are excellent examples of what story can do.  Stretch your horizons and take in these five movies exemplifying story. Doctor Zhivago – Epic Scale Most fantasy and science fiction films […]

movies exemplifying story
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