Fantasy & Science Fiction

Do Fantasy Characters Need to Floss? Or… Ordinary Needs in an Extraordinary World

Do fantasy characters need to floss? The short answer is yes, they need to floss.  That is, if they want to keep their teeth. Real world necessities.  Fantasy world necessities.  Whichever.  Necessities are… well, necessities. Watching Lord of the Rings I believe it’s no wonder the orcs are so cruel and cranky.  I mean, have […]

Fantasy World Necessities
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Fantasy Theology: Would a Fantasy World Need a Jesus? Or… 4 Theological States of Inhabitable Planets

I wonder about the question of universal redemption from evil.  It’s the question that started me writing my science fantasy Curious Origins of a Restless World.  Here’s my thoughts on the purely theoretical question of fantasy theology… Or is it theoretical? 1.  Non-Sentient Let’s first consider a planet with life but no life that has […]

Fantasy Theology
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