Tag Archives | Short Thinker-Blog

Who to Root for in Monster Movies

Seeing that monster movies fall within the purview of fantasy and science fiction, I give you a short thinker-blog for consideration.  You go to Godzilla ready to cheer on humanity, but often times there’s more than one monster and the monsters fight each other.  A simple hierarchy exists in knowing which monster to root for.  […]

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Is the Justice League Committed to Democracy or Is It an Oligarchy?

I’d like to give you another short thinker-blog. Have you ever wondered if the Justice League, such a stalwart defender of America, is really committed to the ideals of democracy?  Since they have superpowers, doesn’t that set them above the populace? Having such powers allows them to stand up against and above an elected government.  This […]

justice league
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Is The Lord of the Rings Really a Story of Samwise?

I’d like to give you a short thinker blog. Have you ever wondered if the epic tale of Frodo and the Ring of Power is actually the frame for a much more intimate tale of the value of friendship and loyalty? What if when stripped down, the real crux of the three books is perfectly […]

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