Tag Archives | The Hunger Games

5 Cultural Cautions from the World of Panem in The Hunger Games

Let’s look into the intriguing world of Panem from The Hunger Games Trilogy.  No spoilers though!  You need to find out some things yourself.  That’s the fun of reading!  Those moments of “No way!” or “Yikes!” or “Ah Pa, that makes me cry.” Through the three books, the world of Panem unfolds solely through the […]

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Romance in Fantasy and Science Fiction

Face it:  As genres go, fantasy and science fiction do not lend themselves well to romance. Now before you protest by citing examples of book covers, let me say that romance is more than a buxom vixen next to a muscle man riding a dragon.  That’s not romance; that’s just sex. Sex is not romance.  […]

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Do You Find a Literary Prejudice against the Fantasy Genre?

Literary prejudice is an ugly thing. Years ago I took a night course on short story writing.  (And you may say that while I might have taken it, it didn’t take in my writing.  But whatever.) My teacher was very able.  (She would say, “Don’t use that word ‘very’ or have too many parenthetical asides.”  But […]

Literary Prejudice
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